
What Types of Anesthesia Are There?

  • Local – this numbs an area of your body, and you are able to stay awake and aware of what is happening.
  • Conscious Sedation – this is a mild sedative to relax you. You stay awake, but may not remember the procedure afterwards.
  • General Anesthesia – allows you to be unconscious (fall asleep) during your procedure. You should not feel any pain during your procedure.

What are the Side Effects of Anesthesia?

You will feel groggy and disoriented. Most of this is not remembered since there is a large proportion of amnesia with anesthesia. Although you will walk to the car to go home, most people will not remember the ride

As with all general anaesthesia, there is a slight chance of nausea after the procedure but this is generally alleviated with an anti-nausea medication.

What is Intravenous Anesthesia?

All types of anesthesia can be administered intravenously. Anesthesia is a drug that helps you undergo a procedure by either numbing the area we will be treating, or putting you to sleep.

How is it Administered?

Intravenous anesthesia is administered through a needle in your vein.

We will also:

  • Monitor your heart rate and rhythm with an ECG, breathing, blood oxygen levels, and blood pressure during your procedure
  • Manage pain you may have after your procedure
  • Ensure your comfort before, during, and after the procedure.